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TR Solids Control Wish You A Happy New Year

Author:管理员    Date: 2020-12-31

In a twinkling of an eye, the New Year is coming. Hereby, all employees and staffs of Xi ‘an Tianrui Petroleum Machinery Equipment Co., LTD(For short: TR Solids Control) wish all customers and colleagues a happy New Year 2021.

Wish all of you happiness and prosperity in new year 2021!

 TR Solids Control wish you happy new year 2021.

2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year. We have experienced an unprecedented covid-19 worldwide, and the lives and businesses of many foreign customers have been affected to varying degrees. Hereby TR Solids Control expressed deep care and greetings to our customers. We actively responded to the government’s prevention and control policies and resumed work in batches, while focusing on prevention and control, while promoting production, and striving to meet the needs of upstream and downstream enterprises. We developed TRCD800 series vertical cutting dryer at this year. As a high-speed, effective and automated equipment, it is widely used in drilling waste management industry.

Solid control system, mud recycling system

TR Solids Control is solid control equipment manufacturer.

In the coming 2021, we will stick to our original intention and uphold the principle of customer first. We will provide every client with the best oilfield solids control equipment and services as always. Wish all of you happiness and prosperity in new year 2021!

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